
Destination Type:


Installation Instructions

  1. Navigate to your GA4 Property and choose

    > Data collection and modification > Data streams.

  2. If you do not have a data stream yet, you should click Add stream > Web. If you do have a data stream already, you should click on the datastream.  

  3. Copy the Measurement ID from the top right corner. You will need it later.  

  4. Click on Measurement Protocol API secrets on the same page.

    If you do not see the Measurement Protocol API secrets option, this means that you do not have Edit permissions for this GA4 Property.
  5. Click on Create to generate a new secret, and give it the name Converge. After creating, copy the Secret value.  

  6. In your Converge dashboard, under Destinations, click

    Create New Destination
    and fill in your Measurement ID and API Secret. After that click Create Destination.  

Once you have installed your Converge Destination, you should pause or remove all existing Google Analytics 4 tracking. Leaving these on will lead to duplicate tracking. Check the Turn off your old tracking setup guide for additional instructions.

Configuration Options

The following options can be configured in the Destination Configuration.

Connection Type

How Converge forwards events to Google Analytics 4. Options include:

  • Client-side: loads the gtag and sends every Converge event client-side.
  • Server-side: loads the gtag and sends every Converge event (except for $page_load) server-side through the Measurement Protocol.
  • Server-side GTM (Recommended): loads the gtag in a server-side GTM container, and sends server-side conversions through the Measurement Protocol.

Custom Events

The GA4 destination supports setting up custom events, see here for a deep-dive.

When the (recommended) sGTM mode is selected, there are two additional configuration options for each custom event:

  • Client or Server. Configure where the custom event is sent from. By default, custom events are triggered from the browser. In some cases, you may want to trigger the event from the server instead. This is useful for events that are exclusively sent server-side to Converge.
  • Event or Conversion. Choose whether the custom event should be marked as a conversion in GA4.

Custom Event Properties

Converge allows you to map properties that were tracked on a source from Converge into a custom property in Google Analytics 4.

Custom Ecommerce Properties

You might want to add a custom property on the items array for ecommerce events as per the GA4 documentation here. For example, you could include a custom in_stock parameter on all of the item arrays in your GA4 Ecommerce events.

The steps for setting up these custom properties are functionally similar to the steps described above in the Custom Event Properties-paragraph. The only distinction is that you should choose an item-scoped custom dimension in the GA4

Custom definitions

Custom User Properties

You might want to forward a profile property as a custom user property.

The steps for setting up these custom properties are functionally similar to the steps described above in the Custom Event Properties-paragraph. The only distinction is that you should choose a user-scoped custom dimension in the GA4

Custom definitions

Deploy a separate data layer for Converge

When enabled, Converge creates a new dataLayer object, even if there is already an existing dataLayer object. This makes sure that any existing implementation does not accidentally push events on the dataLayer object that Converge uses to forward events to its destinations. When you use the sGTM connection type, Converge will always use a separate data layer.

Use the gtag script hosted by Converge

When enabled, Converge will load the gtag script hosted by Converge.

When enabled, Converge makes sure to inject the Google Consent Parameters on server-side captured events as per the corresponding browser session.

Converge functionality

This integration supports the following Converge destination functionality.

Converge FeatureSupported
Custom Events
Server-side Conversions


Event Mapping

Converge automatically maps the following events from the Converge Event Spec to the Google Analytics 4 spec.

Converge Event NameGA4 Event Name
Viewed Productview_item
Viewed Collectionview_item_list
Added To Cartadd_to_cart
Started Checkoutbegin_checkout
Added Payment Infoadd_payment_info
Placed Orderpurchase
Started Subscriptionstart_subscription
Received Refundrefund