Installation Instructions


Create a custom Shopify app

  1. Navigate to the Shopify Admin dashboard, and click on Settings
  2. Click on Apps and sales channels in the Settings modal.
  3. Click on Develop apps, you might have to choose allow custom app development in a pop-up
  4. Click on Create an app, give the app the name Converge and choose your own email address as the developer.

Configure the correct scopes

  1. Choose Configure Admin API scopes and mark the following 4 scopes (i) read_customer_events, (ii) read_customers, (iii) read_orders (iv) read_products

Install the custom app to get the token

  1. Click on Save and then Install app. Reveal and copy the Admin API access token

Create a new Server-side source in Converge

  1. In Converge, click on Create a new source
  2. Pick Server-side from the modal
  3. Name your source: e.g. {Storename} Store Backend

Connect the Source

  1. Enter the store name, this is the string before in the Shopify URL. E.g. For the store name would be convergestore
  2. Paste the Shopify Access Token in the Converge web app under Shopify API Password. Do not fill in a starting date, just click on Create source
  3. Click on Create Source.
You should see the Source syncing all historical order data, no need to wait before it’s fully synced to create destinations — we will automatically check which orders are historic and new and forward only the new ones in case a destination is active while historically syncing

If you have multiple Shopify stores active in different countries, please check our guide on Shopify Internationalization here.

Post-Purchase Upsells

Many Shopify stores use post-purchase upsells such as Zipify

. After placing an order, the customer will be prompted to add a new item to the order.

If the customer accepts the upsell, the original order will be modified by the upsell app. For this reason, the only way to track these post-purchase upsells reliably is server-side (as the order is modified server-side).

The Shopify Server Integration supports upsell tracking by introducing an optional delay in the integration settings. If you turn on this delay, Converge will wait 10 minutes for the upsell to come in before forwarding it to destinations.

You can turn this option on in the configuration of the integration:

This will only work with Destinations that support server-side events. Client-side destinations will not track the upsell.

Filtering out certain orders at ingestion

You might want to make sure certain order types never make it into Converge (e.g. test orders).

The Converge Shopify source allows you to configure order exclusions based on their channel or applied tag. E.g. You can filter out all pos orders or filter out all orders with an Exclude tag.

To configure, navigate to Sources

and click on your Shopify source. Then, under configuration mark the exact criteria by which you want to exclude orders from arriving in Converge.

Event Spec

This integration auto-tracks the following events on the server with all properties available according to the Converge Event Spec.

Event NameEvent Description
Placed OrderWhen a customer places an order.

This integration also auto-tracks some additional events that are not part of the Converge Event Spec.

Event NameEvent Description
Received RefundWhen a customer refunds an order.

Sales Channels

Events received by Converge from Shopify are automatically mapped to Converge’s sales channels types whenever possible. Shopify’s various sales channels, such as the web, shop app, and marketplace integrations, are translated into Converge’s standardized sales channels types based on the context and source of each event.

For example, events originating from Shopify checkout are mapped to the web sales channel, while those from POS systems or third-party marketplaces (like Amazon) are categorized as pos and marketplace, respectively.

More on sales channels can be found here.

Due to the extensive nature of Shopify’s sales channels and tight integration with third party apps, it may be difficult to get an accurate sales channels mapping. As such Converge fall back to “web” if a mapping cannot be found.

An example of how Converge map Shopify sales channels:

webwebShopify checkout
subscription_contractsubscription_contractRecurring placed order events, and third party subscription apps
shopify_draft_orderofflineManual orders
posposPoint of sales orders
12875497473webShopify headless
Edit OrderofflineOrders that are manually edited
3890849marketplaceShopify Shop App
2329312facebook_shopMeta/Facebook Checkout
4383523tiktok_shopTiktok Checkout integration
3009811pinterest_shopPinterest Checkout
amazonmarketplaceAmazon integration