
Destination Type:


Installation Instructions

  1. Navigate to your Outbrain Ads Manager

    and choose Conversions from the side-bar.

  2. Click on Create Conversion in the top right corner.

  3. Choose Server-to-Server Conversions as a Data source.

  4. Under Conversion Type, choose your Event Category, most likely Purchase and give your conversion a name, e.g. [Converge] Purchase.

  5. Click on Create Conversion.

  6. In the Converge dashboard, under Destinations, click

    Create New Destination

  7. Choose the Outbrain app, and under the Outbrain event names section, fill in which Converge event you want your conversion to correspond to. For this example, the [Converge] Purchase-conversion corresponds to a Converge Placed Order.

  8. Add other conversion events in Outbrain following steps 2-7 above if you’d like and add them here as well. Then click Create Destination.

For this destination to work, you will need to change the URL of all of your campaigns following steps 9-12 below. You should add these parameters for every new campaign as well.
  1. Navigate to the Campaigns overview.

  2. Click on the

    -icon next to the campaign for which you want to modify the UTM parameters to open the campaign settings.

  3. Add the following in the Tracking-section

  1. Save your modification by clicking the Submit button.

Converge functionality

This integration supports the following Converge destination functionality.

Converge FeatureSupported
Custom Events
Server-side Conversions


Event Mapping

Events are not automatically mapped, you need to configure the mapping of the Converge Event Spec to your Outbrain conversions manually. We recommend the following mapping to the Event Type:

Converge Event NameOutbrain Event Type
Added To Cart[Converge] Add To Cart
Started Checkout[Converge] Initiate Checkout
Added Payment Info[Converge] Add Payment Info
Placed Order[Converge] Purchase