
Destination Type:


Installation Instructions

  1. Navigate to your TikTok Events Manager. If the direct link does not open your Events Manager, you can access it from the TikTok Ads Manager dashboard under Tools > Events.

  2. From your Events Manager, click on “Manage” under Web Events.

  3. Click on your pixel, you might have to go through 2FA.

4. From the TikTok Pixel menu, copy your Pixel ID, you will need it later. The Pixel ID looks as follows: CJQBODJC77UB4MRTGFRF

  1. Navigate to the Settings subtab and scroll down until you find the Generate Access Token button. Click on it to generate your token and keep it around for the next steps.

  2. In your Converge dashboard, under Destinations, click

    Create New Destination

  3. Give your destination an appropriate name (e.g. TikTok Destination | {YOUR_PIXEL_ID}) and choose the TikTok App.

  4. Paste in the Pixel ID you acquired in Step 5 in the Pixel ID field. Paste in the access token you acquired earlier in the Access Token field.

  5. Fill in your homepage domain name in the Your Domain name field, it does not need to include https://.

  6. Click on Create Destination

Once you have installed your Converge Destination, you should pause or remove all existing TikTok tracking. Leaving these on will lead to duplicate tracking. Check the Turn off your old tracking setup guide for additional instructions.

Modify your Content ID

The Converge TikTok Connection will use the Default content mode to define the Content ID forwarded by default. However, you can configure the connection to use explicity the Product ID, the Variant ID or SKU instead.

  1. Navigate to your TikTok Connection, click on Configuration.
  2. Click on the Advanced-subtab
  3. Click on Edit configuration
  4. Pick your desired Content ID, and click on Save

List of Content ID Modes

Content ID ModeBehavior
DefaultUse the variant_id if available, otherwise use the product_id
Product IdAlways use the product_id
Variant IdAlways use the variant_id
SKUAlways use the sku

Converge functionality

This integration supports the following Converge destination functionality.

Converge FeatureSupported
Custom Events
Server-side Conversions

Event Mapping

Converge automatically maps the following events from the Converge Event Spec to the TikTok Ads spec.

Converge Event NameTikTok Ads Event Name
Viewed ProductViewContent
Viewed CollectionViewContent
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Started CheckoutInitiateCheckout
Added Payment InfoAddPaymentInfo
Placed OrderPurchase
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Placed Recurring Subscription OrderRecurringSubscriptionPaymentSucceeded
Cancelled SubscriptionCancelSubscription

This integration also auto-tracks some additional events that are not part of the Meta Base Spec but are so heavily requested that we automatically forward them.

Converge Event NameMeta Event Name
Placed Order (New Customers Only)NewCustomerPurchase