
Destination Type:


Installation Instructions

  1. Navigate to your Pinterest Ads Manager

    . If the direct link does not open your Events Manager, you can access it from the TikTok Ads Manager dashboard under Tools > Events.

  2. From your Ads Manager click on

    Account overview
    in the top left corner.

  3. Click on Conversions under the Business section.

  4. Navigate to the Pinterest Tag > Tag Manager tab and copy your Tag ID, you will need it later. Create a tag if you do not have one.

  5. Lastly, get your Ad Account ID, you can find it in the URL of the ad manager. It consists of 12 numbers.

  6. Navigate to the API for conversions > Conversion access token tab. Click on Generate new token and copy the token, you will need it later.

  7. In your Converge dashboard, under Destinations, click

    Create New Destination

  8. Give your destination an appropriate name (e.g. Pinterest Destination | {Tag_ID}) and choose the Pinterest App.

  9. Paste the Ad Account ID in the Ad Account ID field, paste the Tag ID you acquired in Step 5 in the Tag ID field. Paste in the access token you acquired earlier in the Access Token field.

  10. Click on Create Destination

Modify your Content ID

The Converge Pinterest Connection will use the Product ID by default. However, you can configure the connection to use explicity the Variant ID or SKU instead.

  1. Navigate to your Pinterest Connection, click on Configuration.
  2. Click on the Advanced-subtab
  3. Click on Edit configuration
  4. Pick your desired Content ID, and click on Save

List of available Content ID Modes

Content ID ModeBehavior
Product IdAlways use the product_id
Variant IdAlways use the variant_id
SKUAlways use the sku

Converge functionality

This integration supports the following Converge destination functionality.

Converge FeatureSupported
Custom Events
Server-side Conversions

Event Mapping

Converge automatically maps the following events from the Converge Event Spec to the Pinterest Ads spec.

Converge Event NamePinterest Ads Event Name
Viewed Productpage_visit
Viewed Collectionview_category
Added To Cartadd_to_cart
Placed Ordercheckout